Remember that the use of the Grange Hall, and The MV Agricultural Hall is a privilege which can be revoked at anytime. It is essential that we treat both locations with respect and consideration so that we will be welcomed back.
A word or two about booths: In order to maintain a level of professionalism, as well as to adhere to safety and fire regulations please read and follow these guidelines.
General Rules
Applications: The Vineyard Artisans has an open enrollment feature for all new artisans. Meaning you can apply anytime of the year. Deposit and Balance payments still apply depending on when you have applied. Call Andrea Rogers for any concerns. 508-693-7927 or e mail:
Payments: Booths are booked in advance. Payments may not be prorated for dates on which you will be unable to attend. There are no refunds for any shows for any reason.
Returned Checks: There will be a $25.00 fee for checks returned by the bank for any reason.
Arrivals: Please plan your arrival and set up times so that your booth is completely set up before the show opens. We are not allowed to have vehicles moving or parked in public walk ways once the show has opened.
Booths: Tables and booths must have a neat and professional appearance, boxes must be stored out of sight, display units must be self standing, and may not extend beyond the confines of the booth space. Do not block access to another booth, or extend into the aisle. Be respectful of your neighbors, keep in mind that your booth abuts other booths and keep back and sides facing other booths neat.
Helpers: If you have friends or family members helping you set up or break down please remind them of our rules.
Extension cords: cords or electrical wires which run across the floor or ground in an area where people walk must be covered with duck tape.
No Sales: Or reductions in price may be advertised either with a sign or by telling customers. This is not a flea market
Music: Please ask the show manager before playing music
Trash: Your must remove all trash at the end of the show. Please leave the building and grounds in good condition and clean.
MV Agricultural Hall, West Tisbury
In addition to the general rules, there are a few more rules that apply to the Agricultural Hall.
Enter the grounds from Panhandle Road and drive to the far back by the cattle barns and follow the signs up to the hall along Janes Fair way. Designated parking area’s will be announced according to the condition of the fields at the time of the shows. You may only drive on designated areas. Do not remove cones.
Cones: No-one may remove any orange cones, fencing or other barriers with out the express consent of the show manager.
Parking: All vehicles must have be moved to the general parking area beyond the fencing before the show starts. The show manager will announce at the time where our parking will be for the vendors according to the Agricultural Society’s decisions at the time. If you have an emergency and have to leave the show, please notify the show manager and she will help you out of the show.
Smoking: No smoking anywhere on the grounds
Trash: All trash must be put in our designated dumpster.
The grounds of the Agricultural Hall must be completely vacated by 6:30 on Friday and Saturday nights. No private parties or gatherings will be permitted
Grange Hall, West Tisbury
In addition to the general rules, there are some rules that apply to the shows at the Grange Hall.
Time: All artisans must show up at their indoor booths no later than 8:00 am and outside booths no later than 8:30 am or loose there reserved space. Please contact the show manager if you are going to be late, Andrea’s cell phone: 508-221-5406 or you can tell one of your neighbors in the show to let me know your on your way and I will hold the booth, otherwise you will be placed at the next space available at the end of the show.
No Parking: Do not park or have customers park at the town hall lot next door to the Grange.
Wind: All umbrellas and tents must be secured to the ground or a vehicle.
Vehicles: No vehicles may be moved after the show begins or before 2:00 pm and never while customers are still walking around. Do not under any circumstances remove any cones or signs.
Trash: Use the trash containers for your trash at the back of he Hall
Nails: Nails are not permitted at the Grange Hall, you may use screws but you must remove them at the end of the show.
Thank you in advance for your cooperation!
Andrea Rogers
Show Manager