Dear Artisan,
To those of you who have never applied to the show before, welcome!
To all who participated last year, thank you. You are the island’s greatest representation of island hand-made art and fine crafts. The following is information everyone should read and keep for your records.
Jurying: The jury process was the basis for your placement in the show. All work was judged based on design, technical skill, originality, and creativity. The manager reserves the right to limit the amount of vendors per category to balance the shows. Artisan designs replicated by a 3rd party or mass-produced items are not acceptable in any category. All art and crafts must be handmade, one by one.
Sales Tax: It is the exhibitor’s responsibility to collect and pay to the state.
Show Set Up Hours: Indoor artists only: Friday, May 23rd (time TBA)
Show Hours: Saturday and Sunday, May 24th & 25th from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm. As with all the Vineyard Artisans shows you may not break down before 4:00 pm.
Trash: You may put trash in the barrels in the back of the hall. You may not leave any boxes or display units in the hall, we must leave the hall the way we find it after the show. The Preservation Trust rents the Hall to other events, so please clean your area when you leave.
Please read the rules for further information on booths, space restrictions, etc.
Questions and more information: Call show manager Andrea Rogers. Day of show questions only, call cell 508-221-5406 otherwise, call Andrea at home 508-693-7927. or Email: Or write to P. O. Box 774, Oak Buffs, MA 02557.