Dear Artisans,
Here’s looking forward to another successful summer season!
Jurying: This jury process was the basis for your acceptance into the show. All work was judged based on design, technical skills, originality and creativity.
Space Placement: While every effort will be made to accommodate your preference the aesthetics and balance of the show have priority. The show manager also reserves the right to limit the vendors in categories to balance the shows.
Please read the separate Rules & Guidelines sheet for more information on booths, trash, refunds, space restrictions, etc.
Please read this information it is important!
New September Location!: Due to scheduled renovations at the Grange Hall in September, the Preservation Trust has offered Union Chapel in Oak Bluffs for the September Sunday shows. More info TBA.
Show “set-up” hours: All shows begin at 10:00 am. Set-up is very important and begins at 8:00 am for anyone who has a booth inside the hall, and 8:30 for outdoor artisans. If you can’t come on time or can’t come at all call me after 6:00 am the morning of the show at 508-221-5406. You can also tell someone in the show and they can give me the message when they show up. This helps to avoid holes in the show. If I don’t hear from you and you are not in your booth by 8:30, I will move someone else over into your assigned spot.
Breakdown: As with all the Artisans shows you may not break down until the show has officially ended at 2:00 pm. If you are sick or have any other problems please find me so I can help.
Trash: The Preservation Trust is allowing us to use the trash barrels at the back of the hall, so please clean your area before you leave. You may not leave any boxes, display units, or trash in or outside the hall, we must leavet the hall and the grounds the way we find it after every show. The Preservation Trust rents the hall to other groups and events. Remember it is a privilege to be at the Grange Hall!
Sales tax: Sales tax is the exhibitor’s responsibility to collect and pay to the state.
Help: If anyone is interested in helping with the shows, please indicate it on your return application. I can always use help distributing brochures and would be extremely grateful.
Summer Show times: Are the same as last year: 10:00 am to 2:00 pm on all days.
Questions and more information: Call show manager Andrea Rogers.
Day of show questions only: call cell 508-221-5406 otherwise, call Andrea at home 508-693-7927 or Email: